ALS-medicinen ger Erik framtidshopp
ILB is the ALS treatment that gives Erik from Sweden hope. Read the article in “Neurologi i Sverige”.
ILB is the ALS treatment that gives Erik from Sweden hope. Read the article in “Neurologi i Sverige”.
Read the latest news from «Neurologi i Sverige” about ILB from TikoMed. Professor Ann Logan, Scientific Director, Neuregenix Ltd, describes ILB to be a game changing treatment for many devastating diseases, among them ALS.
The trial outcomes demonstrated that: TikoMed is now moving forward with planning a phase IIb multi-centre efficacy trial of ILB® Viken, Sweden July 22nd, 2024: Swedish drug development company TikoMed AB today announced the publication in PLOS ONE of peer-reviewed research providing additional support that their low molecular weight dextran
Oslo, June 25th, 2024. The Division of Clinical Neuroscience at Oslo University Hospital and the Swedish drug development company TikoMed have recently signed a research collaboration agreement. Common ambition for the parties is for their collaboration to lead to more knowledge and better treatment options for patients diagnosed with Amyotrophic
Oslo, 27 juni, 2024. The Division of Clinical Neuroscience vid Oslo universitetssjukhus och det svenska biofarmabolaget TikoMed har nyligen undertecknat ett forskningssamarbetsavtal. Parterna är överens om att samarbetet ska leda till mer kunskap och bättre behandlingsalternativ för patienter med diagnosen Amyotrofisk lateralskleros – ALS. TikoMed har tidigare genomfört och rapporterat
Our CEO, Adam Bruce, will be attending BIO Europe Spring, March 18-20, Barcelona, Spain. Reach out to schedule a meeting and learn more about our groundbreaking drug candidate ILB®, targeted at improving outcomes for people suffering from otherwise untreatable progressive and disabling neurodegenerative diseases, including: ✅ amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)✅