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TikoMed announces the publication of results from an open-label, single arm, single center phase II trial carried out at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK, by the University of Birmingham’s Drugs, Devices, Diagnostics and Biomarkers (D3B) team in patients with confirmed Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) treated with weekly ILB® injections.
The trial outcomes demonstrated that: TikoMed is now moving forward with planning a phase IIb multi-centre efficacy trial of ILB® Viken, Sweden July 22nd, 2024: Swedish drug development company TikoMed AB today announced the publication in PLOS ONE of peer-reviewed research providing additional support that their low molecular weight dextran
The Division of Clinical Neuroscience at Oslo University Hospital and the Swedish drug development company TikoMed have officially signed a research collaboration agreement.
Oslo, June 25th, 2024. The Division of Clinical Neuroscience at Oslo University Hospital and the Swedish drug development company TikoMed have recently signed a research collaboration agreement. Common ambition for the parties is for their collaboration to lead to more knowledge and better treatment options for patients diagnosed with Amyotrophic
The Division of Clinical Neuroscience vid Oslo universitetssjukhus och det svenska biofarmabolaget TikoMed har officiellt undertecknat ett forskningssamarbetsavtal.
Oslo, 27 juni, 2024. The Division of Clinical Neuroscience vid Oslo universitetssjukhus och det svenska biofarmabolaget TikoMed har nyligen undertecknat ett forskningssamarbetsavtal. Parterna är överens om att samarbetet ska leda till mer kunskap och bättre behandlingsalternativ för patienter med diagnosen Amyotrofisk lateralskleros – ALS. TikoMed har tidigare genomfört och rapporterat
Prominent Italian ALS expert Adriano Chiò joins TikoMed’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
Viken, Sweden – October 25, 2023 – Swedish biopharmaceutical company TikoMed AB today announced the appointment of Professor Adriano Chiò, of the University of Torino and the Città della Salute e della Scienza Hospital as the fourth member of its newly formed Scientific Advisory Board. Adriano Chiò is a neurologist
Adriano Chiò, en framstående italiensk ALS-expert tar plats i TikoMeds nybildade vetenskapliga råd
Viken – 25 oktober 2023 – Det svenska biofarmabolaget TikoMed AB tillkännagav idag utnämningen av professor Adriano Chiò, verksam vid universitetet i Turin och sjukhuset Città della Salute e della Scienza, som den fjärde medlemmen i TikoMeds nybildade vetenskapliga råd (Scientific Advisory Board – SAB). Adriano Chiò är neurolog och
TikoMed appoints leading ALS expert Jeremy Shefner, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona to its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
Viken – October 11, 2023 – Swedish biopharmaceutical company TikoMed AB today announced the appointment of Professor Jeremy Shefner, MD, PhD at the Gregory W. Fulton ALS & Neuromuscular Disease Center, the Department of Neurology at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, USA as the third member of its newly-formed